Enna Chocolate

Enna Chocolate


Shopping & RetailBakeryFood StoresRestaurants

About Us

Fine chocolate crafted in small batches from bean to bar, using ethically sourced ingredients. The Enna Chocolate cafe features classic espresso and chocolate drinks made with our own chocolate.


cacao nibs ready for grinding into pure chocolate
the stone wheels of our Belanger grind the cacao nibs until they are smooth
the roast profile is a critical part of flavor: we spend months testing and developing our approach to each origin
This is a 1/4 ton of cacao from Trinidad, delivered to our doorstep on a freight truck from Hayward, California where it arrived via cargo ship.
we hand-wrap each bar in foil
bars with extra goodies added (like fruit, nuts, flower petals, chili) are called 'inclusion bars'.
the cacao tree evolved in the Amazon basin. Prior to European contact, it was transported and cultivated throughout Central America and the northern regions of South America. The plant itself is quite beautiful!
the seeds of the cacao pod are surrounded by a juicy musilaginous layer of fruit - this is quite delicious!
our Night at the Movies bar, made with three ingredients: cacao, sugar, and almonds
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Enna Grazier