Lecture: The Raid on Fort William and Mary October 17, 2024, 6-7 PM Join Paul Timmerman, President and Captain of the 1st NH Regiment, Board Member of the Friends of Fort Constitution, and leader of the 250th Raid on Fort William and Mary anniversary event planning committee, for an insightful lecture. As he brings to life the dramatic events leading up to the historic seizure of Fort William and Mary, Timmerman will share plans for the upcoming 250th-anniversary event on December 14 and 15, 2024, highlighting the enduring impact of history on our lives today. For more information on the Fort William and Mary 250th Anniversary, visit fortwilliamandmary250.org. Members $5; Nonmembers $10.
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
October 17, 2024, 6-7 PM
Strawbery Banke Museum 14 Hancock Street, Portsmouth, NH
Members $5; Nonmembers $10.
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